i burn for you

“If you would have only looked at me this week for longer than two seconds, you would have seen…”
“It is you I cannot sacrifice.”
“I burn… for you.”
Every time I look at you, something lits inside me that I cannot elucidate.
It is loathe and despise that I only acknowledge because of your arrogance, but for some reason, the pound of my chest says otherwise. Why do I keep hearing your name?
I cannot fathom how you spit your words like a dagger, but your gaze screams fondness. I suppose it is the tension that I knew we had. Does the silence embracing us faze you?
Perhaps it is our blazing passion. No matter what I do, I cannot flee this burning affection. That captivating eyes that set my heart restless, your voice that I hear like a piece of melody, and your soft touch that bewitched me.
And for the first time, I never want to escape.
It is you that I see.